Mar 25, 2011

Finding A Safe Weight Loss Program

Posted by vidra 1:03 AM, under |

Let's face it, there are more weight loss programs to choose from both on and off the Internet. Hopefully, the few tips that you'll be reading in this article will guide you to finding a weight loss program that is both safe and effective.

The first thing you need to understand is what safe weight loss is. Safe weight loss is composed of three factors; how much weight you lose, how quickly you lose the weight and by what method you use to lose the weight.

Finally, there is the method by which you choose to lose the weight. A program that tells you that you can lose 10 pounds in 5 days is not a safe program, period. Losing weight that quickly is dangerous. Also, a program that works by having you take some sort of weight loss pill, is also not safe. Read what others have said about a particular program. Finding a safe weight loss program is not hard.

Executive summary about safe weight loss by S. Wagner

How to Achieve Rapid Safe Weight Loss

Rapid safe weight loss. Whether you have made that New Years Resolution to lose weight and get in shape, fit into a new bikini by summer or lose weight after pregnancy is what we want, but beware of fad diets and diets that promise rapid weight loss through miracle pills and promoting dehydration techniques to lose weight. Believe it or not we have to eat in order to lose weight. Well, it's time to learn how to diet safely and change your life and the way you eat if you want to achieve that Beach Body!

The Most Important Way to Achieve Rapid Safe Weight Lose Is Through Exercise

If You Want to Diet Safely and Lose Weight You Must Use Portion Control
Portion control is a key element to achieve rapid safe weight loss. Every meal should have a fairly even ration of carbs, proteins, and fats. If You Are Serious About Achieving Rapid Safe 

Weight Loss You Have To Keep A Food Diary
It is a proven fact that keeping a food diary and record everything you eat can help you achieve rapid safe weight loss. One pound is equal to 3500 calories. If you eat 3500 calories you are going to gain one pound, but if you cut out or exercise off 3500 calories you will loose one pound. To achieve the weight of 120 you can take in 1800 calories. If you also exercise you will dramatically increase your calorie burn. The Calorie Equation is this, if I start out being able to eat 1640 calories, when I've reached that number minus the calories I've worked off through exercise gives you your total negative or positive calories for the day.   

You Have To Eat To Achieve Rapid Safe Weight Loss
As we said earlier in this article you have to eat to achieve rapid safe weight lose weight. You need to eat 5 to 6 times a day. That would be 3 meals and 3 snacks in between those meals. Secondly, by eating something every 3 hours you increase your metabolism. You will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning by sleeping in "fasting mode". If you stick to a schedule of working out and eating regularly your body will have enough fuel to rebuild after you exercise.

Choose What You Eat Wisely to Achieve Rapid Safe Weight Loss
You must choose what you eat wisely to diet safely. Because the foods we eat are so important I will be posting regularly good food choices and fat burning recipes to keep you on track. But basically when you choose foods, choose fresh vegetables,skinless white meat, egg whites rather than the whole eggs. You can not achieve rapid safe weight loss by wringing all the water out of your body!

To diet safely you must get plenty of water. Preferably 8 glasses of water per day! Good Quality Vitamins are Essential to Achieve Rapid Weight Loss and Diet Safely.

Our bodies just don't get the nutrition they need from the food we eat. Most nutritionist believe that a multivitamin is absolutely essential, especially if you are exercising hard or reducing your diet. If You Want To Achieve Rapid Safe Weight Loss You Can Not Eat At The Wrong Time

Last but not least, don't eat at the wrong times. This is the secret behind getting your body into "fat burning mode". Your body has 2 sources of energy: stored fat and stored carbohydrates. Instead of burning the fat around your waist and thighs your body is focused on burning the carbohydrates that you just ate and that are readily available for energy. What better time to be hungry?!

Executive summary about safe weight loss by Lora Rouse